7 Data On Old Age Pregnancies – I’m A Mom

There are some inescapable realities. From the age of 35 onwards and as women age, the difficulties in conceiving children and complications during pregnancy and childbirth increase.
7 data on old age pregnancies

Another huge truth is that more and more women hope to consolidate their university careers and balance their economic conditions in order to get pregnant. See 7 data on older pregnancies.

A brief Internet search is enough to know the possible risks that a woman over 35 may face when she becomes pregnant, including a higher incidence of cesarean section, twice the risk of prematurity and 7% more gestational diabetes than the rest of the population generally.

However, all these variables can be controlled if these women who became pregnant at an advanced age receive medical consultations responsibly and rigorously perform all medical examinations recommended by the specialists.

Taking care of your health is essential during pregnancy

in old age

Currently, a healthy woman who becomes pregnant with more than 35 years does not take any risk to her own health, reiterates gynecologist Isabel Palencia.

And, to support her thesis, the specialist argues that, in general, the woman of today is much more careful than before and usually has the pregnancy very well controlled by the gynecologist.

She explains that the rules that must be respected are practically the same as for a 25-year-old woman. Except that the medical exams are somewhat more exhaustive and the woman must be much more rigorous when following the gynecologist’s indications.

“As with any pregnancy, you don’t need to gain more than 20 pounds and you shouldn’t smoke or drink alcohol,” she recommends.

Even if you are healthy, you need to know that for health experts, a pregnancy after the age of 35 is typified as a high-risk pregnancy. After that age, there is a greater risk of maternal morbidity and mortality.

Therefore, women must know the risks that pregnancy entails and must be attended to by trained professionals and multidisciplinary teams. This is because, by increasing the life expectancy of these women, they will be able to care for their children for longer.

Get to know 7 data on pregnancy at advanced ages

Being informed about the advantages and disadvantages of getting pregnant after age 35 is the best guide you can have when planning your child’s arrival in the world.

There are no perfect formulas. However, doctors reiterate that the best age for pregnancy remains between 20 and 35 years of age.

The biological clock is something we cannot delay or change. And this is such an inescapable truth that more and more women prefer to organize and mature emotionally before giving birth.

Every woman has the right and freedom to decide when to conceive a child and here are 7 facts that illustrate the experience of getting pregnant at an advanced age.

1. Old age first-time mothers can live longer


The women waiting longer to have their first child can live

more than those who start to form their families

younger, according to a US study. 

Although older pregnancies increase the risk of miscarriage and congenital malformations, the researchers found that women who become pregnant for the first time after age 25 are 11% more likely to reach age 90 than younger mothers.

2. More and more women become pregnant after age 35

In the United States, the number of first births among 1,000 women aged 35 to 39 years increased by 36% between 1991 and 2001. At the same time, the rate among those aged 40 to 44 years reached 70%.

3. Being a mother in old age can improve your mental abilities


in old age

According to a recent study published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, being a mother after age 35 improves a woman’s mental abilities

According to this research, women who have their first child at an advanced age do better on tests of mental acumen, problem solving, and verbal skills.

4. Increases chances of having twins

One fact about pregnancy at a later age is that when it occurs after age 35, it increases the likelihood of having twins (or multiples). This is not just in fertility treatments, but also in a natural way.

5. Risk of having a baby with a congenital defect

The most common disorder that affects chromosomes is Down syndrome.

, a condition in which the child has one more chromosome than usual.

Statistics reveal the following data: at age 25, a woman has a probability in 1,250 of having a baby with Down syndrome. At age 30, one in every 1,000. At 35, one in 400. At 40, one in 100. And at 45, one in 30. 

6. After age 35, giving birth to first-time mothers can be more difficult

According to Spanish doctor Isabel Palencia, the first pregnancy after the age of 35 usually has a more difficult birth.

She explains that “the dilation period is longer, because the tissues are harder. Therefore, the expulsion is slower and brings a greater risk of fetal suffering”.

7. There is an increased risk of pre-eclampsia and eclampsia

The risk of pre-eclampsia and eclampsia is greater in women who have their first baby at an advanced age.

However, the reasons for this are not very clear. In some cases, it happens as a result of high blood pressure or diabetes before getting pregnant.

Some Considerations for Pregnancy at Old Age

First, and this has nothing to do with age, a woman who wants to get pregnant in a planned way must be in excellent health. This will certainly help you to enjoy this wonderful experience.

That’s exactly why we’ve listed some considerations you should take if you’re over 35 years old and want to enjoy a healthy pregnancy:

  • Consult a doctor before becoming pregnant.
  • Before becoming pregnant and during the first month of pregnancy, consume a daily multivitamin complex prescribed by your doctor. Prefer those containing 500 milligrams of folic acid as they help prevent neural tube defects.
  • Start your pregnancy with a healthy weight (neither overweight nor underweight)
  • From the beginning of your pregnancy, have regular prenatal exams, without missing any.
  • Food should be varied and nutritious. Pay special attention to foods that contain natural folic acid, such as orange juice, legumes, cereals, and vegetables.

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