6 Pets For Kids Who Are Little Work

Initially, children will be excited about having a pet at home. Before long, however, they can become less concerned about the animal’s needs. This situation must be controlled by the parents to get the child involved in this type of task.
6 pets for children who are a little too busy

When children are young, caring for pets rests solely with adults,  at least in relation to their elementary priorities. Choosing pets for children who give little work represents a benefit not only for their caretakers, but also for the pet itself.

Most pets need a lot of dedication

The notion of responsible adoption in relation to animals has gained importance in recent times. That’s why today it’s no longer a matter of simply throwing the dead fish down the toilet.

The habit of transmitting love and respect for animals is one of the most beautiful lessons for children. Choosing a pet for the little ones in the house should be part of an almost familiar project. Therefore, it is necessary to think and plan well.

Pets for kids who are little work: which ones and why

One of the main determining factors in choosing pets is the amount of time your pet will be alone. For example,  if the family has a lot of activities outside the home, it is not advisable to have dogs as pets.

Canines, those faithful companions of children and adults, demand a lot of attention. Alone and trapped, they can develop an anxious or aggressive personality.

For these reasons, it’s best to focus on pets for children who are little work and who can adapt to all kinds of family routines. In the following list, we will present some alternatives.


To relieve themselves, cats only need a litter box, which can be cleaned once or twice a day. They are much more independent than dogs and can ration food and water better.

Kittens don’t need to go out for a walk either. In fact, they prefer to control their own exits if they have a terrace or yard available. The most important advice for having cats as pets is to neuter them as soon as they are 6 months old.

pets for kids who give little work


Children can develop a lot of affection for fish. The main expense is a good aquarium, where they have space to swim as freely as possible.

The fish eat once or twice a day and  the children themselves can take care of their food. The only requirement is to keep the aquarium clean, being necessary to sanitize it once or twice a week. 


Birds are another option for pets for children who require little work. However, if there is a desire to teach respect for other species, perhaps having a bird raised inside a cage is not a good idea.  

If this decision is made, it  is essential to give the bird the strict care required by its species. It is necessary to consider that some are more delicate than others. Too much sun or wind can harm these fragile animals.


Hamsters are recommended for children aged 6 years and over. In fact, they can be a good alternative for those looking for pets for children who are little work.  

The requirements for having these animals in the home include a suitable cage, a wheel and accessories that also allow them to exercise or hide. In addition, without a doubt, we must consider food and cleanliness. The hamster’s cage should be lined with sawdust, which should be cleaned every three to four days.


Some children might like the idea of ​​reptiles as pets. Among the recommended species are lizards of different varieties, turtles and, to a lesser extent, some types of snakes.

With the turtles, the caveat is that they will have a much longer life if they are in contact with the grass and the earth and, therefore, they are not recommended for apartments without a yard. Meanwhile, lizards and snakes are not recommended for young children.

pets for kids who give little work


Other unconventional animals for children are insects. For example, creating a small ecosystem to introduce a spider might be interesting for children as young as 10 years old. Anthills are also fun for children between the ages of 7 and 12 years old.

Finally,  if the idea is to have dogs, there are some breeds that are more adaptable to solitude : the poodle, the pug, the French bulldog or the Maltese, among others. However, leaving a puppy unattended is not recommended. If owners are not staying at home, only one dog over two years old should be considered for adoption.

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