6 Classic Stories For Kids

Classic children’s stories are always a good option for our children.
6 classic stories for kids

Although children’s and youth literature is advancing by leaps and bounds, there are a number of books and stories that, despite the passing of years, have not gone out of fashion.

We are referring to the classic children’s stories, the ones that our grandparents read to our parents, our parents read to us, we read to our children, and thus we will ensure that the broadcast goes on.

Below, we will list a small sample of these classic children’s stories so that you can relive your childhood and also transmit all these stories to the younger ones in the house.

Classic Stories for Children

little Red Riding Hood

Everyone knows the little girl in the red hood that her mother sends to her grandmother’s house to bring food and medicine. This story reflects two core values.

First, the value of the family union, more specifically the Little Red Riding Hood, with both the mother and the grandmother. Second, the rejection children must feel towards strangers.

The wolf and the seven little goats

In this story about a family of little goats, a mother has to go shopping, leaving her seven children at home. She warns them that they must not open the door to anyone and that when she arrives, she will give a sign to let the children know that she is herself.

The entry into action of a wolf that wants to eat them will show us a series of adventures that will end with the wolf’s belly full of little goats. At that moment, the mother’s love, one of the fundamental values ​​of this story, will give her the necessary courage and strength to open the wolf’s belly and take the children out of it.

Classic Stories for Children

The three Little Pigs

The houses of the three little pigs and the wolf blowing to tear them down and eat the little pigs is a story that has been with us for many years.

There are many values ​​that can be conveyed with this story to children, such as the effort and willpower to get things done, as well as the fact that cooperation and teamwork make tasks easier.

Other classic stories for kids

The princess and the pea

The Princess and the Pea is one of the classic children’s stories that offers us one of the most important lessons in life: looks can be deceiving.

But these appearances are those rejected by the queen. The appearance of a princess who arrives looking deplorable at the castle where she lives with her son, who is looking for a woman to marry.

A pea will be the key for the queen to change her mind, after the princess sleeps badly when she notices the famous pea under 20 mattresses, as only real princesses have such thin skin.

gold curls

One of the best classic stories for children that serves to teach the youngest in the house the value of respecting others and their privacy is the one that stars a girl with golden curls who, without permission, enters, eats and sleeps in a house which is inhabited by a family of bears.

When the bear family arrives at the house and discovers the girl, she, frightened by what she is seeing, decides to run through the forest when she realizes what she has done.

Other classic stories for kids

The woman and the milk bucket, one of the best known classic stories for children

This simple story describes the path taken towards town by an imaginative girl who wonders what she is going to do with the money she is going to receive for the large amount of milk she is going to sell.

All these thoughts are directed towards having more and more money until, all of a sudden, she stumbles on the road and all the milk is spilled, so there won’t be any money at all because she wasn’t paying attention to the path.

In short, the value we want to convey through this story is that we should not be greedy or digress with the things we don’t have and want to achieve, because sometimes these thoughts can get in the way of our future.

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