5 Unusual Baby Bedtime Advice

When a woman is pregnant and not yet a mother, she has no idea how difficult it can be to put a baby to sleep.
5 unusual tips for baby's bedtime

The truth is, babies only sleep when they need to and it’s us adults who want them to sleep. Thus, we can rest or perform other activities that we cannot do while they are awake.

Really, getting a baby to sleep can be one of the trickiest parts of motherhood. There is no one instruction manual that fits every baby in the world. But there are some techniques you can try with your baby.

Here are 5 unusual tips for your baby’s bedtime.

Put a warm towel in the crib before putting the baby to sleep

Your baby may be uncomfortable with the cool of the sheets after feeling warm in your arms. Wearing blankets is not a good idea until babies are one or two years old. That’s why “sleeping bags” for babies are so popular, in addition to being a very warm pajamas.

But before putting your baby in the crib, you can put on a dry, warm towel and leave it there for a few minutes. That way, when you put the baby in the crib, he’ll stay warm. So you can relax and sleep better.

time to sleep

Routines can change from time to time for the better

It’s a great idea that bedtime routines aren’t done exclusively by Mom or Dad. Because that way, the baby won’t want to sleep when the other parent puts him to sleep.

So  if mom and dad take turns putting the baby to sleep, it won’t be a problem when either of them is busy.

Furthermore, mothers are more likely to spend more time with their babies because the bond is established almost immediately. Therefore, bedtime is a good opportunity for the father to interact with the baby and strengthen this bond.

Use the vibration of your voice

Babies are used to their mother’s voice by listening to it every day, even before they are born. So it’s a good idea to let your baby feel the vibration in your voice as you rest his little head on your chest. 

You can sing to him, talk or just hum.  Feeling the vibration in your voice will help you sleep and feel much better.

Pay attention to the time your baby sleeps

When a baby doesn’t follow clear, well-defined routines, sleep is likely not regulated yet. A baby needs clear routines so he can feel safe and sleep at the same time more easily.

It is necessary to follow the routines every day so that the little one sleeps normally when night comes.

In addition, it is also possible to reflect on some important aspects: do you put your baby to sleep too early or too late? Do you follow the routines or is each day different? Reflects.

time to sleep

Be flexible with what your baby needs

At the same time, you also need to be flexible to ensure your baby’s needs are met. 

You must take into account that what seemed to work one night for the baby to sleep peacefully, perhaps the next day will not work. Thus, it is necessary to try another technique completely different.

So you should start to be flexible and change routines little by little until you find the one that best suits your baby. Only then can you see which method works best. 

Sometimes just changing the dinner time is more than enough for the baby to rest peacefully.

These were some tips for your baby to sleep better at night. But remember that each baby is unique and you will have to adapt to his needs and rhythms.

And, above all, regulate your little one’s biological clock so he knows at night it’s bedtime. But beware! Never make him sleep when he doesn’t want to, nor let him cry himself to sleep from exhaustion.

Your baby needs you. He also needs to feel your warmth to be safe and peaceful.

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