5 Parental Mistakes When Doing Homework With Kids

Doing homework with the children is a practice that a large number of families carry out, being a responsibility with greater incidence in elementary school, but which undoubtedly reaches the population of high school. Parents usually help their children with their homework and this has been taken very seriously although there are certain nonconformities on the subject.

It is not a bad thing that families participate in carrying out homework, on the contrary, it is a way of establishing relationships and showing their commitment to the child’s education. However, homework timing can become a conflict and even a


for the majority.

The main obstacle to be faced is the idea of ​​finishing the activity correctly; so it is appropriate to focus on correcting the mistakes we are liable to make.

According to

teachers union

from Spain, ANPE, teacher and vice president Carmen Guaita says that the main mistakes parents make when they do homework with their children are:

1. Oppose the amount of homework:

Even though homework is plentiful there is no need to discuss this with children as the purpose is to guide them in their responsibilities without making excuses for being negative.

If necessary, prefer to talk to teachers about the subject rather than expressing our disagreement with the type of

school assignments

or the amount of these. To get children interested in completing their homework it is desirable that they feel satisfied with it.

2. Turning homework into punishment:

Taking children out of their leisure activities and putting them to do their homework in a violent way, scolding or as punishment for their actions implies a negative attitude on the part of them in carrying out their homework.

In this sense, it is recommended to establish a time of day to do homework, so that children are aware and by consensus that they must stop playing and fulfill their duty.

3. Anywhere is good:

It is possible to take advantage of any time and space in the house to do the lessons, especially when it is convenient for us as adults. For example, in the kitchen while we are cooking or in the living room to continue watching television.

However, this creates distractions and prevents you from paying full attention to the lesson. It is recommended to have a space for the study, which has the


necessary,  that it is quiet and airy. If we do not have a place of our own, it is recommended that you designate another place with a scheduled time.

4. Not helping effectively:

It is important that we take lessons seriously, as a fundamental part of learning and not as a burden. Taking it seriously and being supportive is necessary for the child to focus on what they are doing. Being available to them with no personal issues to wait is convenient for effective support. That’s why it’s important to set a target by encouraging them to do the lessons well.

5. Take the lessons instead:

It is common for some countries to finish the lessons for the children, either for convenience to be faster or not to complicate if the child does not understand.

This is an error that causes a deficiency in both the child’s ability and discipline. In capacity, because the lessons are


of the content learned in the class, which they need to reinforce. As for discipline, taking away their chores implies that they lose the responsibility that is required of the child.

In the same way, they may feel that they are being supported by their parents, as well as strengthening them to tell lies, because they will tell their teachers that they did their lessons.

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