5 Activities To Work On Reading With Teenagers

It takes a lot of tact to attract the attention of young people to something. In addition to the example, a fundamental factor for your learning, we can also practice certain activities to encourage this habit.
5 activities to work on reading with teenagers

In a world as technological as ours, there is little room for activities that require deceleration and concentration. The most representative example of this is the act of sitting down to read a book, especially for young people. The good news is that we can organize certain activities to work on reading with teenagers at home.

All over the world, there are associations and organizations that present the benefits of reading, especially in youth. Its importance is growing  as the distance of young people in relation to books is increasingly evident.

On the one hand, it’s understandable. Books don’t provide the same effects on the senses as a state-of-the-art television or virtual reality glasses. And as if that weren’t enough, it takes effort to read and understand.

However, all is not lost. Many young people still enjoy paper pages and are willing to keep adding different things to their library.

As parents, it is possible to bring some simple attitudes that can awaken a taste for reading in teenagers. In families where this already happens, these suggestions will help to explore this feeling further. Then we count some of them.

Activities to work on reading with teenagers

1. Buy books that matter

A basic point to arouse someone’s interest in any activity is that it is of interest to them. Therefore, we should find readings related to the favorite topics of young people.

For example, if your child is passionate about football, a player, a coach or a team in particular, great. Here is the perfect opportunity. On the other hand, if your daughter is a fan of psychology or a band, you can also follow this path to attract her to reading.

To work on reading with teenagers, it is essential to arouse interest.

As for activities, there are two more obvious ones. The first is to join a library and see what you can find on these topics. The second is to take the kids shopping. The good thing about this is that bookstores are often a world apart, which can excite young people even more.

2. Movies can be very useful

For some it may be absurd or a waste of time to read a book whose story they have already seen in the movies. However, it can be the perfect gimmick to get your teenager interested in books.

Try giving away the book of the series or movie that he liked so much and propose to discuss the differences and similarities. In general, books tend to be better than audiovisual versions, so we only have an advantage.

3. Creating new habits

Both for young reading lovers and for those who do not have this habit, it is important to have adequate time and space to develop this activity.

So a good way to work reading with teenagers is to establish a daily or weekly schedule for counting, discussing, and recommending books. Something like a book club at home.

Of course, in order to do this,  the ideal is to have a routine to sit and read calmly and in silence.

Although it doesn’t seem like it, it’s a very nice activity to do in a group. Do not hesitate to take advantage of these moments to be with your children, each one reading their book.

4. Read aloud

In principle, this is a way of working on reading with teenagers that is more appropriate for the classroom. The teacher can propose different activities whose central theme is reading and commenting on excerpts from a given work.

However, you can also propose this activity at home. Like? Simple! Ask your children to mark their favorite parts, whether in the book or elsewhere. Later they can share as a family.

Furthermore, if there is a small child in the house, taking turns reading stories before bed is also a fantastic idea. Remember that reading aloud is a key process for improving a young person’s communication and vocabulary. So encourage practice.

It is possible to organize certain activities to work on reading with teenagers at home.

5. Take it a step further

Many books are related to other aspects of the artistic and cultural world. For example, if the young person read a story that took place in a certain historic place, it would be great to organize a trip to see it.

Another case: if your teenager likes self-help books or biographies, don’t hesitate to visit an exhibition together or talk about this person he admires so much. Recitals, theaters and even sporting events are other ways to take reading a particular book to the next level.

As we said before, in order to work on reading with teenagers, it is essential to arouse their interest. Otherwise, we won’t get anywhere.

Remember that at this age, obligation only breeds rebellion and greater aversion than before. So try to present this activity as a time of pleasure and relaxation.

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