3 Ways To Stimulate Your Baby’s Memory

3 ways to stimulate your baby's memory

To stimulate your baby’s memory you just need to be a loving and committed mother to your child’s growth. Would you like to know how to do this? Well, pay attention to this advice and take note.

your baby’s intelligence

The baby has a “moldable” intelligence capable of changing shape. During its development, the child goes through various types of intelligence until reaching the adult form.

The period from birth to 2 years of age is marked by great mental development. At this time, the child learns to walk, talk and think about non-present objects.

Piaget’s Theory

Piaget’s theory argues that children go through specific stages according to their intellect and their ability to perceive mature relationships. These stages of child development occur in a fixed order for all children and in all countries.

When babies or young children interact with other people, they don’t know how to empathize like an adult would and they have “self-centered thinking.” During childhood there is a natural cognitive development, they “learn to think”, that is, to interact with the world in which they live.

According to Piaget, the stage that goes from when you are a newborn baby until you are two years old is known as the “Sensory-motor period”. Children’s development is characterized by their understanding of the world, coordinating sensory experience with physical action.   During this period, the innate reflexes progress.

What can we do to favor the development of intelligence in the sensorimotor period?

  • Stimulate circular reactions. When a baby performs a behavior in a casual way, we are faced with circular reactions. We as parents must insert changes into the circular reaction so the baby will see what changes happen and will learn to explore.
  • Explore different objects and toys. For the baby to know beyond himself.
  • Playing hiding objects. Show a toy and hide it, teach the baby to find the hidden object. Repeat the operation, but now let him find you alone.

Do you know the Tomatis method?

This method is based on hearing re-education to stimulate people’s global learning and development.

It is a music therapy based on listening:

  • certain high frequencies
  • Mozart’s Compositions
  • Gregorian chants
  • The mother’s voice the same way it was heard inside the womb.

By developing hearing perception, learning and communication are encouraged, improving motor skills and balance problems.

The benefits of this method

  • Mood Improvements
  • Greater resistance to fatigue
  • Improved memory capacity
  • more concentration
  • good creativity
  • feeling of tranquility
    menino usando óculos e com um livro na mão

3 ways to stimulate your baby’s memory

1. The bond with the baby

The baby’s brain is programmed to look for safety, and if it doesn’t feel a safe environment, it can’t learn. That’s why it’s so important to make your baby feel safe. To be able to do this you can:

  • Establish skin-to-skin contact from birth.
  • Spend as much time as possible with the baby, doing nothing else.
  • Massage your baby whenever you can.
  • Constantly chat with him.
  • Always carry your child on your lap.

2. The memory of evocation

At ten months, a baby can find a hidden object seconds earlier. Recalling memory is being able to remember things that are completely absent. At this stage, our baby is already consolidating the capacity for symbolization, which is characteristic of human beings and which makes our intellectual and cultural development possible.

After completing one year of age, when the child can already find things that he has not seen for a long time, and language appears, it becomes possible that by saying the name of objects that are not in sight, the child will be able to find them.

3. Sing songs

We should sing our children many songs, and over and over again. By repeating the melody, children internalize the music and this helps them to be more relaxed and calm.

When they are a little older, it is possible to take advantage of this technique, to invent stanzas with the content you want them to memorize.

It’s possible to start with simple themes to, for example, remember the home address or the phone number of the parents, something that children may need in an emergency.

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